Saturday, July 09, 2011

the plunge

It’s time to talk about some knitting and knitting related things. Whee!

One of my plurk buddies, Aesox, bought the cutest knitting bag and since I’m the queen of copy decided I needed one for myself. That’s the best kind of flattery, right?

Can I mention that I love receiving goodies in the mail, especially if they are smartly wrapped goodies?

cute packaging

Ta Da!

If I ‘d been smart I would have taken a picture of the other side with the three ladies knitting. But this bag is awesome! Well made and fantastic fabric design.

knitting bag

In other news, I decided to join the 26 Pair Plunge. This is a group of knitters who have committed to knitting 26 pairs of socks between July 1 2011 -  June 30 2012. That’s one sock a week. This is from someone who has only knit one other pair of socks, ever.

Sock .5/26 Pretty good considering week one just passed.

unisex slip-sock 1

So why would I sign up for something so drastic? It might be due to the fact that I have 3 years of sock club yarn hanging out in the stash that snickers at me every time I walk by. Or it could be that I have totally and utterly lost my mind. I’m leaning towards the latter.

Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of your own foot?  Next time I’ll be enlisting Joe a helper.

unisex slip-sock 1

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