Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year! and a resolution or two

Happy New Year everyone!! Hope all of you out there in cyberspace have a wonderful and safe celebration this evening.

I usually don't do Resolutions. At least I stopped making the lists at some point because a) it seems so arbitrary and b) I really don't follow up too well on these things. That being said I am making a list this year. And here it is:

1) lose 10 pounds. So this gives me 365 days to do this. It really shouldn't be to hard, but you should refer to b above.
2) exercise at least twice a week. Again refer to b. And Joe this does not give you a reason to hassle me about going. At some point I have to do these things on my own.
3) organize. this refers to things such as the filing cabinet, the loads of cross-stitch and knitting items in the closet (and elsewhere), and we will throw in magazines for good measure.
4) cook. I really need to cook more, which in my case "more" would be, say, five times in a year.

That's all I can think of for now. I need to get downstairs and check on the meatballs.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Why the Internets ROCK!!

This is why.

Christmas Bunny

This is for Mom who said she wanted to see some pictures of our Christmas Tree. I thought I would get shots of the tree and the rascally rabbit.

The twinkling lights. I really prefer the colored ones, much more fun don't you think?

So ignore the orange buckets, just pretend they are invisible. And yes, Smokey does actually eat the paper. I think she is in love with the phone book. Yummy!


I have been gone from the blogging world for almost a month. So sorry! I have had lots going on, some I can talk about and some I probably won't. I have been stitching on South Seas Mermaid and she is looking really great, if I do say so myself. I had lots of time this weekend to work on her while I was sick. Gotta love the Crud.