Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the cold cold beach

Sunday we drove up to Stinson Beach to see what it was all about. The plan was also to stop in Muir Woods, but by the time we left the beach we were both pretty much ready to head home.

The actual town of Stinson Beach is pretty small. It’s a nice place to spend a leisurely afternoon for lunch and taking a walk on the beach. It was pretty chilly out, or so we thought, but that didn’t seem to stop people from spending time in the water. Water that Joe and I thought was too cold to even walk through. Brr!

Let’s start with some pictures of our drive to Stinson Beach.

A lot of fog in this area. Well, their seems to be a lot of fog in general here.

Wasn’t there a Steven King book about fog?

The water may have been cold, but it was really beautiful.

This was one of my favorites.

And Em, this one is for you. The cutest pugs evah!

Last, but not least. A couple videos of us driving around. I think I see a cool little video camera in my future.


1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh yes. Those pugs are mighty cute indeed!