Tuesday, May 18, 2010

more stuff!

Oh, hi there! Guess who is in yet another funk? I was going to write about three things that I was happy about today (which on Sunday would have been cake), but just can’t seem to pull that together at the moment. Pathetic, yes?

So, on to other things… Yesterday my manager brought me a St Joseph statue to bury in my yard and of course it POURED the rain all day and it was entirely to gross to even think about digging. It seems to be a bit drier today, so hopefully I can bury the poor guy him this evening. I feel a bit odd about this procedure. I mean, I feel like he can help me out, but then I feel bad about not only burying him but he needs to be buried upside down. I guess so he will help to sell my house and then I can dig him up? Just go with it.




I have been steadily working on Ishbel as of late. Crappy picture due to a lost camera. Yes Joe, I seem to have misplaced the camera after Saturday’s festivities. I have a call in…


I have realized that moving into a smaller place is going to necessitate a lot less storage place for my crafty type items. What that really means is that I need to put my big girl panties on and work with what I have. That also means that I need to do a major culling of my cross-stitch patterns. Anyone out their interested? I have lots and may have some things you are looking for.

ps: I can’t get so SF soon enough

pps: hope St Joseph works out

1 comment:

Sarah said...


I'd love to buy some of your cross stitch patterns off of you!! I haven't had much time to stitch in the last few years, but am hoping to get back into it very soon. I don't know how it will work, but let me know what you have and what you want for them.
