Sunday, January 15, 2006

Progress... sort of

There has been a small amount of progress on our new home. We drove by Friday night and the whole thing was covered with plastic, which we saw as a good thing. We were assuming they were trying to keep the dirt dry so they could lay the slab.

This is what it looked like today. The plastic has been removed and they have graded all of the dirt inside the foundation. We dropped by MI and they said there should be a slab down sometime this week. Yeah!

We have also started moving some things into our new apartment. A friend of ours was moving yesterday, so we comandeered her Uhaul and moved some of our furniture and a bunch of miscellaneous items. Today we moved two car loads of boxes over as well. We figure the more that gets moved before Sunday (our official move day) the better. Our last day in this house will be January 27th... it will be sad to leave our first home, but it is all for the best!

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