A little house cleaning, literally and figuratively. I finally removed the countdown for the closing of our house on the blog. I figured everyone is tired of looking at it since that was over a week and a half ago. I have also emptied a few more boxes and attempted to put things away. I know that I have all of this space, but I seem to be having trouble figuring out where everything is supposed to go. It is a bit overwhelming sometimes, even though it really shouldn't be. Joe has been busy as well. Most of our blinds are up now and he is currently working on the ones in our bedroom. No small task since there are 5 or 6 windows in there. I believe that leaves the kitchen, which is another 5 windows and one bedroom and he will be done with that. Of course that just means there is something else that needs to be done.
We did buy a bench and some plants for the front porch today. It will be nice to pretty up the front of the house a bit. I just need to figure out if I can get a hook up into the porch ceiling so that I can hang up the ferns.
On a entirely different subject, I went for my first mammogram today. Wow! I knew how this procedure worked in theory, but to actually go in a have a women manuver each breast into an x-ray machine (twice, mind you) is a special experience. Here is a link I found with a great visual of the
procedure. As I have told my friends today, there is no way a man would allow this to be done to his testicles. A better way would have been invented and implemented immediately. Although, I have been told that an MRI can be performed, which would be much more pleasant. But I guess it is just too expensive for our insurance companies to pay for. Anyway, even though this is not the most pleasant of procedure I do recommend that all women get one. My sister, who was only 42 was diagnosed so you just never know.