Saturday, October 30, 2010


Here is a pic of my craft room a few weeks ago, before I really started getting down to business.I’m not sure it really shows the layers of minutiae that need to be dealt with, but it was not looking good.


I decluttered quite a bit. Moved things around. Then I started working on the pictures. Now this is a project!


I realized that I have years of photos sitting in books and  boxes that we just don’t have the space for. I mean, I would let them have space if I had actually looked at any of these since we went digital. That brings us to a company called Scan My Photos. Brother Joe has used them in the past and had good things to say about them so I’ve decided to just do it. Once the photos have been scanned they are all being trashed. It feels so wrong to throw all that stuff away, but seriously? What good does it do me for them to be hanging out in the back of a closet for another ten years?

This would be a pretty simple assignment if it wasn’t for all the duplicates. I apparently felt the need to own two of everything. This could take awhile…

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