Saturday, November 14, 2009


You see that? It’s the sun and we haven’t seen it for days thanks to Ida. It was a gorgeous day!


After hitting the Farmer’s Market I headed over to Rainy Day Creations to pick up my raffle prize. I was pleasantly surprised! It included two Debbie Bliss books and three from Ella Rae. Can’t wait to sit down and peruse these!

raffle books (1)

While I was taking the picture of the books the doorbell rang and look what greeted me. Boxes! So what did they contain?

packages (1)

Those are two cute knitting bags I purchased from ruddawg on etsy and she also did a special order for me. She was kind enough to line a bag I had knitted a while back and just didn’t carry since it was so floppy. It is perfect! She even added something so it has more body and will certainly see the light of day now.

packages (4)

Knitting bags

packages (5)

My new fabulously lined bag

packages (6)

The smaller box contained my first installment of the Sip ‘n Stitch club I signed up for this fall. As soon as I opened the box the smell of yummy fresh ground coffee was overwhelming. I am so tempted to brew some now, but I think I will contain myself and wait till the morning…

packages (2)

Not only did I receive the expected, coffee and yarn, but there was also a super cute coffee cozy and I was thrilled to see that it was made by my friend Aimee of fairieknits! Bonus!

packages (3)

That about does it for now. Time to get cleaned up and meet some friends for dinner.

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