Wednesday, July 21, 2010

city living

Well Hello from the City!

I’m here, we made it relatively unscathed. Their were some battles with the movers and my lovely bronchitis, but I’m here. Here with Joe in the city of San Francisco.

It’s weird to think that I’ve only been here for about 4 days, but I already feel at home. Besides the fact that instead of 99% humidity at 99 F it’s a balmy 60 F and a tad breezy. Oh and the fact that I’m living not out of a suitcase per se, but more like the floor until the moving truck arrives.


And the fact I keep thinking about stuff that maybe I should have brought with me, like the battery charger for my camera. Oops!

So, the packers came on Thursday and packed ALL DAY. No lunch break or anything. They left us with this… a bunch of rooms filled with boxes.


Friday, the truck was supposed to arrive to load everything up. It didn’t. So, they showed up on Saturday at 6AM. Good enough.

It was strange seeing your stuff out on the street waiting to be put in a giant cross country hauler.


I will admit, it was sad to leave this house, the city, our friends…




Now, it’s off to new adventures. I think we’re ready…
